The Art of Hanging Out

As a society are we losing the art of hanging out?  Here Ace explores how connecting with the people we care about has become overly diarised and how the pursuit of doing things together has taken over from simply being in one another’s company.  How can we lower the barriers to connection and reinvigorate the art of hanging out? 


  1. Take a piece of paper and make two columns.  In one column jot down the names of those people you love to spend time with but don’t see nearly enough of

  2. What are some things you do alone where you could easily invite someone else along to keep you company?  Think groceries, going to the hardware store, batch cooking. 

  3. Pick a person and pick one of those things you normally do by yourself.  Send said person a message.  It could be something along the lines of… Hey, I’m trying to make boring chores fun by doing them with friends - want to go to the grocery store together?


Connectors and Distractors


Be Kind