Black & White Screens

Humans are pretty basic really, we like bright, shiney, novel things because they give us a little hit of dopamine and that makes us feel good. Our phones are a dopamine hit in a box. The colours, the alerts, the noises - they all serve to keep our attention held in a vice. But what happens when we turn the colour off? This exercise is an invitation to make things black and white, literally!


This exercise explores taking our attention off of our small screens and shift the focus on the things that actually matter. Reducing the amount of time we spend scrolling and getting more dopamine hits.

  1. Take your smart phone and go to settings

  2. If you have an iphone Go to Accessibility > Display & Text Size > Color Filters. Toggle colour filters on and select grey scale. If you have an Android…

  3. Watch your phone display turn from technicolour to black and white and notice how you feel about your phone now.

  4. Over the next day, observe your behaviour. How often are you checking your phone? Are you getting as lost in it? What changes have you noticed?


30 Second Rant


Sacred Spaces AKA No Phone Zones