30 Second Rant

Anger gets a bad rap and we’re taught to keep it under wraps.  But it is also a flag that signals when something we care about is at stake.  Our anger is here to teach us about ourselves - what we value, what we fear, what we hold dear.  This paired exercise gives you the opportunity to get something of your chest, hear each other out and get a better sense of what your partner cares about;


This exercise is a great warm up exercise or energiser in a meeting.  It can help team members get to know each other a little better as humans not just worker bees. 

  1. Find a partner.  Person A is going to be the Ranter and Person B the Listener

  2. The Ranter is going to rant on a subject of their choosing for 30 seconds

  3. The Listener is going to keep time AND listen…but not just for content, you are going to listen for what it is you think that person cares about.  

  4. When the Ranter has finished, the Listener is going to play back three things you think they value.  

  5. Swap over


Yes And


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