Sacred Spaced AKA No Phone Zone

We carry our phones with us everywhere: around the house, to the office, on the street, to the bathroom, even into our beds (and in the morning, we often turn to them before we greet whoever else might be in the bed with us)”. Catherine Price’s words from The Power of Fun ring painfully true. Our smart phones are a constant presence and so is the pull they have on our attention. Based on highly addictive slot machine technology, they constantly divert us away from the present moment affecting our relationships, our concentration, our productivity and our mental health. How can we start to shift the needle and reclaim our precious attention? One way is to create sacred spaces or no phone zones.


  1. Think about the places and moments in your life where you would like to cultivate more connection - maybe it’s your kitchen table, or the walk or drive to school with your kids. Or maybe you manage a team or a business, so it could be the office cafeteria or the meeting rooms or a communal coffee break. Make a list.

  2. Choose one or two places on your list that you are going to designate as a sacred space - a no phone zone.

  3. Notice what happens. What do you see that you might not otherwise have? What conversations do you have? How do you feel being without your phone?


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