Inconvenience Others

Independence and self reliance are prized commodities in Western cultures but they can lead to a sense of disconnection as we no longer rely on each other for things we once would have. Yet when we rely on each other it intertwines us with others and creates community.  How can we create a small favors economy with our friends and family?  How do we get comfortable with asking for help and get over the idea that we shouldn’t inconvenience others?


  1. Make a list of the things you outsource/ hire/ buy that you could actually borrow or ask for from someone you know.  This might be a ride to the airport, a school pick up, borrowing a cup of sugar, asking your friend to lend you their [dress/ lawn mower/ car etc. ]

  2. Go down your list again and pick the person you feel most confident asking. 

  3. Go down your list again and pick the person you feel confident asking. 

  4. Take a deep breath and then text the person and ask for what you need.  Reciprocity is really important here so think about how you might help them in future and make that offer too. 

  5. If they say yes, let the person help you and sit with any feelings of discomfort you might have around inconveniencing them. Offer to help them with something next time.

  6. If they say no - no sweat, pick someone else from your list!


The Unslump


Connectors and Distractors