Get Outside

Getting out into nature has been proven to have an impressive range of health benefits, from lowering our cortisol levels to reducing the risk of pre-term birth and incidence of stroke. And yet how often do we take the time to get outside into nature and notice the smells, the sounds, the life that exists outside of our all consuming human world? 

Lucy and Ace consider the benefits of getting into the great outdoors.....and then they get rained on.


Take a break, go outside and find a green space.  It doesn’t need to be big - it might be a park or a field but equally it could be a patch of grass, a tree, or a balcony. 

  1. Set a timer for 5 minutes

  2. Spend 1 minute in each of your senses 

    • What can you see? 

    • What you hear? 

    • What can you smell? 

    • What can you touch? 

    • What can you taste

  3. Soak in the benefits of your nature pause.




The Unslump