Cycle of Loneliness

When we feel lonely we are more likely to be self critical and expect rejection. This can lead us to make choices which isolate us further and make matters worse. How do we break the cycle?


When we’re in this place our inner critic can get very loud which can keep us stuck feeling lonely and isolated

  1. Grab and pen and paper.

  2. Think about a time when you’ve supported a friend who was struggling and feeling bad.

  3. What did you say to them? How did you comfort them? Write down some of the things you said.

  4. Now think about when you’ve struggled or felt isolated or lonely. How do you talk to yourself? Write down some of the things you might say to yourself.

  5. What difference do you notice between the two? How might you borrow from the way you support a friend? Write down three kind, supportive things you could say to yourself in these moments of struggle.


Types of Isolation


Levels of Connection