
When we’re in a state of loneliness or disconnection things can feel very inward looking.  We are more likely to be self critical, to ruminate on negative thoughts and to be suspicious of other.  One of the keys to breaking this cycle is to put our attention out into the world and notice what’s going on around us.

  • SEE

    Look for five things you can see. Whereveryou are.


    Find four things you can touch and feel.

  • HEAR

    Listen to three things you can hear.


    Notice two things you can smell.


    Find one thing you can taste.


  1. Stop what you’re doing, put away your phone, close your laptop

  2. Ask yourself how your feeling on a scale of 1 to 10 where 1 is the worst and 10 is the best

  3. Work through the following prompts:

  4. Look for fives things you can see

  5. Find four things you can touch or feel

  6. Listen for three things you can hear

  7. Notice two things you can smell

  8. Find one thing you can taste

  9. Take a few breaths and notice how you’re feeling now -where do you sit on the scale? 


Hard Days, Gentle Questions


Pressure Release